Press Release: Bozeman Tea Party

tea party express

Last week,  the Bozeman Tea Party sent out a press release about a national movement coming to Montana.  Tea Party Express II : Countdown to Judgement Day Tour.  We will keep you up to date on the recent information.

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Update- 9-12 TEA Parties Across the State

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We would like to inform you about another 9-12 TEA Party rally.

Here are the details:

Glendive: The Glendive TEA Party

  • Saturday, September 12, 2009
  • 11 pm- 2 pm Meet at E.P.E.C.  313 S Merrill
  • Contact: Betsey Hedrick (organizer) (organizer email)
  • Speakers: Dr. Krayton Kerns – HD 58 Laurel, MT and many more…

Also, we strongly urge you to attend one of the 9-12 Tea Parties listed below:

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9-12 Tea Parties Across the State

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Here are the following details regarding the Montana 9-12 TEA Parties:

We wanted to inform you about the upcoming 9-12 Tea Parties happening across the state.

This Saturday, TEA Parties will be taking place in state capitals across the United States and in Washington, D.C. where Patriots like you will join together to make our voices heard to our state and federal political leaders.

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Obama’s Address to our Schoolchildren

Well, today is the day that President Obama will speak directly to our children in schools.  I have put an article from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle that ran on Sunday below and here.  I think it gives a good back and forth of both viewpoints.  Also, here is a link to our friend over at 2 Helena Handbaskets and her take on the issue.

I am torn on the issue, I know that the speech is not political, but I still had two issues with the speech.  The first was fixed after the administration pulled out of the curriculum the “what I can do to help the President.”  That was inappropriate, it should be “what I can do to help the country,” and I’m glad it was yanked.

I think it’s a good thing the President wants to address our children about their education goals and show the importance of this, but I think it should be done while the children are at home.  It is something they should watch and discuss with their parents.  People always talk about the importance of parents getting involved, well this would have been a perfect opportunity.

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Tea Partiers Trounce Union Thugs

Below is a guest column by Henry Kreigel a fellow Bozeman Tea Party Patriot, conservative radio host, and overall great guy.  He wrote a piece on the Obama protest other things Tea Party.  He also has just started a blog which can be found here.

Tea Partiers Trounce Union Thugs:

What Really Happened Outside Obama’s Town Hall Meeting

The Bozeman Tea Party and supporters clashed with paid union thugs outside the President’s Town Hall Meeting.  The union hacks, modern-day brownshirts, included Service Employees International Union, a group affiliated with ACORN and the Montana AFL-CIO who bussed down union members and paid community organizers from Missoula and elsewhere around the state. While the Obama supporters arrived in the middle of the night, claimed our permitted area and had an early advantage with numbers, we eventually turned out 300-350 people and trounced them. The conflict which bordered on getting physically violent was in stark contrast to the tightly orchestrated event inside the hangar where the town hall meeting took place.

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Baucus Needs to Apologize

Yesterday, the Bozeman Tea Party put out a press release, which I have posted below and can be found here.

The release asks Senator Max Baucus to apologize for his comments following his Make Health Happen Summit in Bozeman.  I attended the protest at the Museum of the Rockies.  While protesting Max drove up and got out of his car, the protesters gathered around him to hear what he had to say.  He stayed there for about 10-15 minutes answering questions from the protesters.

Most of his answers were the typical politician answers and he would not take the megaphone we offered so the whole crowd could hear him, but I gave him credit for getting out of his car and talking to us.

What I didn’t know was that it was a political trap set by the Senator.  A few days later in this article in the Daily Interlake he said that “these people were not civil.  This was the closest thing to a mob that I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

Luckily, my camera has a video recorder on it and I have most it on tape.  Please check it out for yourself at  I also wonder if Max has ever been to a Cat-Griz game, which are MUCH more “mob-like.” Continue reading

Thank You Obama Protesters

Let me first thank everyone who came out to protest Obama at the Bozeman Airfield on Friday.  It was because of you we had a successful event!!  I was inspired to see so many patriots standing up to preserve their freedoms and stop government from taking over another private industry.

We outnumbered supporters of the President’s policies about 3-1 and made our voices heard.  They brought in paid activists on busses who tried to drag us down…but we wouldn’t be stopped.  We had Montana citizens from all over the state that organized and came to the protest.

People from all over the state spoke.  We heard from an emergency room doctor from Billings, a women from Kalispell who lived in England, a Neurosurgeon, and many other patriots from Montana.

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Below are the final details for the Obama protest

  • Friday, August 14, 2009
  • 10:30 am – 2:30 pm and until our people come out of the Town Hall Meeting to report what has happened inside
  • Gallatin Airport (on Airport Road off of Frontage)

Look for the Tea Party Patriot Signs

Bring your signs and bring your friends. Carpool if you can and get there early. Be ready to be heard!

If you can volunteer to be a parking attendant please email us at

We look forward to seeing you!!

Confirmed Details on Obama Visit

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We now have some concrete details on the protest and the Obama town hall:


The protest will be held at Bozeman’s Gallatin Field Airport on the corner of Airport Road and Frontage Road (Highway 10).

The actual town hall will be held at Gallatin Field Hangar 259, Aviation Lane, Belgrade, MT.  The doors open at 11:00 AM and the program begins at 12:30 PM.

We expect traffic to be very busy.  Many people have told us they are meeting at Wal-Mart on North 7th Ave. in Bozeman to carpool to the event.

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Obama Coming to Bozeman Update


The Administration has confirmed Obama is coming to Bozeman this Friday, August 14th.  Preliminary details are that the townhall event at Bozeman’s Gallatin Field Airport will be a held at noon on Friday.

I should know more details Tuesday afternoon.  As I stated earlier the Bozeman Tea Party has voted to officially protest the event.  If you are not in Bozeman, please come and help us welcome Obama to Montana!!

Please feel free to contact me at or

We look forward to see you there!!