Press Release: Bozeman Tea Party

tea party express

Last week,  the Bozeman Tea Party sent out a press release about a national movement coming to Montana.  Tea Party Express II : Countdown to Judgement Day Tour.  We will keep you up to date on the recent information.

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Update – Montana Stands Up to the Feds

MT Gun Flag

On April 21st I did a blog post regarding the Montana Made Firearms Bill called Montana Stands Up to the Feds!  The bill exempts firearms made and retained in Montana from all federal gun regulation.  This is a simple issue of the Tenth Amendment and the federal government unconstitutionally encroaching on state rights.

The next step in the process took place on Thursday when a lawsuit was filed.  You can find the article on the lawsuit entitled, Montana Gun Suit Challenges Federal Authority.  I support this bill; it is a vital issue for our country and will help define the county we live in.  It seems to me, not being an attorney, that this is an open and shut case.  This bill is legal under the Constitution and no laws or decisions by any court can change that.

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Obama Lies Grandma Dies


Yesterday, I attended the Montana Shrugged Group’s weekly protest in Billings, MT.   Despite the cold and rainy weather we had many proud patriots meet at the CVS Pharmacy on 24th Street.

Our message was loud and clear: we are feed up with Obamacare and uncontrolled government spending.  There were a lot of people I met who have never been involved in political grassroots until April 15th, the first Tea Party.  It showed me that the silent majority has woken up and people are sick and tired of the federal government.

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John Birch Society Events


The President of the John Birch Society, John McManus, is in Montana for a six day tour.  The topic of his speech is Restoring State Sovereignty and Preserving Personal Freedom.

The John Birch Society is dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution.  For those who have not heard of the John Birch Society, they have a great reputation.

It’s great to see Montana becoming important in the fight for personal liberties.  This is another example of people coming to Montana because of all the work we’ve done for freedom.

I highly encourage you to attend one of his speeches listed below:

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Reading List Help


I recently read George Orwell’s 1984 and I’m almost finished with Watership down by Richard Adams.  I have a small queue of books coming up next including: another book in the Rich Dad Poor Dad series, Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, and my first Ayn Rand novel.  I think I’m going to read Atlas Shrugged first, though I also have The Fountainhead.

I’m looking for suggestions on other books to read, and figured my friends and readers in the Montana blogosphere would be the perfect group to ask.  I’ve been going back and reading many of the classics I didn’t read when I was younger or rereading them.  Of the classics my favorites are The Count of Monte Cristo and For Whom the Bell Tolls.

So blogosphere, I have two questions for you:

  1. What are some other books I should read?
  2. Should I read Atlas Shrugged or Fountainhead first?

Baucus misses the point


An article in the Great Falls Tribune, mentions a key component missing in Senator Baucus’s revised health care package tort reform.  There’s also a piece in the Electric City Weblog on Tort Reform.  Over the years, malpractice insurance has increased for doctors nationally.   Many people believe that the “sky is the limit” when suing your doctor, and they’re just looking to get rich quick.  The rate of frivolous lawsuits nationally is ridiculous.

When are people going to stop with these kinds of frivolous lawsuits?  Montana is one of thirty-six states which has a “pain and suffering” cap, set at $250,000 and limits punitive damages.  Is this enough?

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Baucus revises health care bill


An article in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle this morning mentions that Senator Baucus is revising his health care reform bill to address some Democratic concerns.  This is meant to only appease Democrats and possibly Republican Senator Snowe to go along with the package.  Obama has made it clear; this is his number one priority.

After months of debate and town hall meetings, the nation stands divided on the issue.  Many people fear our country cannot afford government run health insurance.  There are a lot of provisions that still need to be addressed in the, what is sure to be over 1,000 pages bill.

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Update- 9-12 TEA Parties Across the State

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We would like to inform you about another 9-12 TEA Party rally.

Here are the details:

Glendive: The Glendive TEA Party

  • Saturday, September 12, 2009
  • 11 pm- 2 pm Meet at E.P.E.C.  313 S Merrill
  • Contact: Betsey Hedrick (organizer) (organizer email)
  • Speakers: Dr. Krayton Kerns – HD 58 Laurel, MT and many more…

Also, we strongly urge you to attend one of the 9-12 Tea Parties listed below:

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9-12 Tea Parties Across the State

912 Tea Parties


Here are the following details regarding the Montana 9-12 TEA Parties:

We wanted to inform you about the upcoming 9-12 Tea Parties happening across the state.

This Saturday, TEA Parties will be taking place in state capitals across the United States and in Washington, D.C. where Patriots like you will join together to make our voices heard to our state and federal political leaders.

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Obama’s Address to our Schoolchildren

Well, today is the day that President Obama will speak directly to our children in schools.  I have put an article from the Bozeman Daily Chronicle that ran on Sunday below and here.  I think it gives a good back and forth of both viewpoints.  Also, here is a link to our friend over at 2 Helena Handbaskets and her take on the issue.

I am torn on the issue, I know that the speech is not political, but I still had two issues with the speech.  The first was fixed after the administration pulled out of the curriculum the “what I can do to help the President.”  That was inappropriate, it should be “what I can do to help the country,” and I’m glad it was yanked.

I think it’s a good thing the President wants to address our children about their education goals and show the importance of this, but I think it should be done while the children are at home.  It is something they should watch and discuss with their parents.  People always talk about the importance of parents getting involved, well this would have been a perfect opportunity.

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