University strives for increasing tuition cost…

collegeMontana State University-Bozeman plans to hike tuition for out of state students.  The school claims it will lose about $2.5 million due to the cap freeze on tuition.  This freeze helps students and struggling families pay for college.

 I don’t know why the university system always claims it needs more money.  Somehow, they are able to get tax dollars and grants to renovate the Student Union Building and the gym.  It seems university officials are only out for their wallets.

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Tea Party II

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It is official; another Tea Party is going down in Bozeman.  Be sure to mark your calendars for this one, we are expecting a large crowd and it’s going to be held on our country’s birthday July 4th. Continue reading

A great victory for gun owners across the country…


A stunning victory for gun owners as Congress votes to allow citizens to carry loaded firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. This is a first step to regaining our Second Amendment rights taken away by the Brady Act.  

On a national level, our country is finally moving in the right direction.  What I thought was impressive about the legislation was that a total of 105 Democrats broke with party lines to join 174 Republicans to support the gun measure.  When the Republicans controlled the House this bill didn’t get passed.

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Montana making National News

Vodpod videos no longer available.

The Glen Beck Show did a series about The Civilest” of Wars between the federal and state governments.  The show mentioned how many states are finally standing up for their rights.  They are challenging the federal government authority delegated through Amendment 10 of the United States Constitution.

The citizens of this country can make a difference by helping to challenge a failing system within our democracy.  Now is the time for the people to tell the federal government-Don’t Tread On Me or there will be consequences.  Without us uniting on our principles we cannot stop the seeds of socialism being sowed.

The best part of the series was the appearance of Rep. Joel Boniek R-Livingston and Gary Marbut President of Montana Shooting Sports Association.  They talked about the passage of HB-246 (read about it here on the TSNROUNDUP blog ) and how it has become a key issue in our state.  The courts are now acting upon the issue through it seems they always don’t listen to the thoughts of the people.

The video from the show is posted above for your viewing purposes.

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Socialism at its best…


Last week Senator Baucus, chair of the Senate Finance Committee, held a meeting to discuss a plan for crafting major health care reform in the United States.  During the committee hearing a group of organized protesters from the Maryland Chapter of Physicians for a National Health Program were arrested.

They claimed that Sen. Baucus had excluded them from the committee hearing and silenced their voices.  Since the election of Barack Obama and his “promised change” the group has made an obligation to ask every congressman to enact socialized medicine.

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Obama to the Rescue…yeah right


Vodpod videos no longer available.  

As I’m sure most of you have heard a few weeks ago President Obama announced his team was going to take 90 days to cut $100 million out of the budget.  So, like many others it got me thinking about just how much money that is. 

I’ve seen a few different visualizations of the cut and two of them I found particularly good.  The first is a picture that was posted on the Just Citizens blog called A few trillion here or there.  It’s a nice way to see how much of the budget is ACTUALLY BEING CUT

The best one I’ve seen is the above Youtube video which can be found here, it is only a minute and a half and well worth the time.

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Wanted-Montana seeking Hardened Criminals

hardin prison

The Two Rivers Detention Facility in Hardin, MT has generated a lot of media attention across the world.  As the prison facility tries to find some new homes from many unlikely contenders.  It has even drawn the attention of media outlets such as, Al-Jazeera News Network about hosting the detainees from Guantanamo.

It is doubtful the prison can obtain these prisoners because the state’s congressional delegation disagrees on the issue.  This leaves the city and county without a source of revenue- it needs.

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City tries to infringe upon Civil Liberties: Part III

red_light_cameraMontana has finally done the unthinkable.  It has prevented the beginning stages of Big Brother. The governor signed HB-531 into law banning all red light cameras as mentioned in my previous post. The unholy contract between the city of Bozeman and Redflex has been ripped into pieces.

The citizens of Montana can rejoice!!!  They do not need to worry about their privacy being invaded by the watchman eye of the government. The city officials will now be in check. They will be forced to take down all their cameras on the Main Street.

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The ACORN Is Rotting


Well, it looks like the shady practices of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) have finally caught up to them. Yesterday the Las Vegas Review Journal had a piece entitled ACORN voter registration drive nets charges, which lays out the 39 charges filed against ACORN and their employees.

I would first like to mention that the Attorney General AND the Secretary of State of Nevada are BOTH democrats. So…the charge by ACORN that the politicians are just “grandstanding” is ridiculous.

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Socialism spreading in Montana


More than 100 activists in Missoula, MT protested against capitalism last Friday. These organizers met at the Wells Fargo’s branch near downtown and demanded a bailout of their own.  Due to the national branch accepting a $25 billion bailout it received last October by the Bush Administration.

An article in the Billings Gazette illustrated that the protesters’ intent to solve the problem was socialism.  Their thoughts are well known with the teachings of Karl Marx.  The protesters called for the death of capitalism and the rise of “solidarity, socialism, communalism and activism.”  This crowd was organized by the Two Rivers branch of the Industrial Workers of the World.

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